About Us
Based on the impact of the ever-growing digital market, Dükkan Freelance Platform was established in the summer of 2021.
The free economy is expanding every year. The workforce of multinational companies consists of more freelancers than permanent employees. 20-30% of the workforce in advanced companies are self-employed or self-employed. Hiring managers expect a 168% increase in the workload of flexible workers over the next 10 years.
In collaboration with UNDP Turkey and Bangladesh Country Offices, Migrant Nation Foundation and INGEV, dukkan.work was launched to encourage Arabic-speaking freelancers to step into digital livelihood opportunities. More specifically, dukkan.work aims to help Arabic-speaking freelancers overcome job competition, low wages, subscription fees, restrictions on the nationality of some platforms or difficulties in getting paid.
Unlike other freelance platforms, Dukkan.work offers services in Arabic, English and Turkish.